Transcript Requests
Unless their SAT scores have been low, Heritage students have consistently been accepted at the college of their choice. Having an accredited transcript, backed by the growing reputation of Heritage CSC as a rigorous academic program, has been a definite asset in their acceptance.
Due to the nature of our program, creating a transcript is not as simple as merely entering a few key strokes and clicking on the print command. Our staff often has to spend a great deal of time collecting information and documentation about such things as fine arts classes taken elsewhere, P.E. classes, etc. It is usual for it to take at least a couple of hours to create a transcript, but it has occasionally taken as much as fifteen hours to create a single transcript. Not only that, but each transcript we send includes a personalized letter of recommendation from the headmaster or lead instructor (usually from the headmaster) and a copy of our high school reading list. For this reason we have found it necessary to ask that you request a transcript at least ten days prior to the date you need it to be postmarked. If it must arrive by a particular date, you ought to allow an additional two days for the Post Office to deliver the transcript. Furthermore, because of the time necessary for us to process a transcript, there is a transcript fee due for each transcript requested.
Fees (except Senior students)
First transcript – $35
Each additional transcript – $25
Expediting fee for transcripts needed in fewer than ten days – $100
Senior Fees
There is a Senior Fee of $150. This covers three transcripts, HOPE Scholarship Winter Preliminary application, HOPE Scholarship Final Recommendation, cap and gown, and other graduation costs.
Each additional transcript, after the initial three – $25
Expediting fee for transcripts or scholarship recommendations needed in fewer than ten days – $75
Requesting Transcripts
To request a transcript, please submit the form found in the Navigating High School @ Heritage handbook and include the appropriate fee. If you have any questions, please contact the registrar at jmeents@heritageclassical.com.